IVN - Internationale Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft e. V.

The organisation IVN (Internationale Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft e. V.) was founded in 1999 and has developed two quality seals: Naturtextil IVN certified BEST and Naturleder IVN certified.

These two seals are responsible for safeguarding and reviewing the entire textile production chain, both in terms of ecological standards and social accountability.

The IVN standard provides ecological quality and encourages eco-friendly textile and leather products. Certified textiles may carry the IVN certified or IVN certified BEST label. This certification brings a greater sense of confidence to the consumer, as residue limits are much more stringent than those legally permitted.

Naturtextil IVN certified BEST is a standard for eco-friendly textiles with the strictest requirements for ecological textile production at the highest technical levels. Only a select range of products can meet this standard and the minimum requirement for this certification is the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). It addresses all production stages from raw material to sale and the use of the finished leather (not the finished leather products). Naturleder IVN certified is a standard for eco-friendly leather products in Europe.

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