Environment industry


    Services we offer

    Environmental performance

    Our environmental services are designed to provide your company insight into your environmental performance (such as CO2 emissions) as well as your energy consumption and other raw materials being processed.

     Services we offer:

    • CO2 footprint
    • Water footprint
    • Energy footprint
    • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
    • Corporate energy reduction analysis
    • CO2 neutral programmes
    • ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System)
    • ISO 26000 (Socially Responsibility Standard)
    • ISO 50001 (Energy Management System)
    • GRI assurance

    We offer the above-mentioned assessments on both product level as well as corporate level.

    Happy smiling woman working in call center

    How can we help you?

    Would you like more specific information about our certification programs? If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us; we’d be delighted to hear from you.